2012年6月25日 星期一


Dianabol、Anabol、Reforvit-B、 Trinergic、 Anabolex、 Pronabol、Bionabol、 Methandon、 Danabol、Metabolina、 Nerobol ,簡稱D-bol。


英文化學名:methandrostenolone, methandienone


商品名:Primobolan (口服)


藥物介紹--Nomatest Combo 300

商品名:Nomatest Combo 300

2012年6月6日 星期三


作者:Melinda Beck

陽光讓我心情愉快。實際上,就像體育鍛煉一樣,紫外線可以刺激人體產生內啡 ,這是大腦中一種能產生愉快感覺的化學物質。由於常曬太陽,我的維生素D水平很高,因此我認為自己患很多疾病的風險都得以降低。


美國皮膚癌基金會(Skin Cancer Foundation)和美國皮膚病學會(American Academy of Dermatology)都堅持認為沒有「安全美黑」這回事,而且它們一直在提高警示水平。有些人將急於晒黑的行為(即「日晒痴迷症」)和吸毒、酗酒等成癮行為劃上等號。

不可思議的美黑助曬針--Melanotan II

Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is an analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Melanotan 2 comes in the form of a freeze dried (lyophilized) peptide in a sterile multi-use vial.
美拉諾坦 II ( Melanotan Ⅱ,MT II )是一個模擬的α-黑細胞刺激素 (A-MSH),以凍乾粉的形式儲存在無菌玻璃瓶中。 

Melanotan 2 acts on melanocytes to stimulate melanin production. Melanin is the body's natural pigment responsible for your tan.

MT II作用在黑色素細胞,使其接受刺激而產生黑色素。 黑色素是人體的天然色素,他的外在表徵就是使我們曬黑。

Melanocortins are a family of peptides beginning with the sequence: His-Phe-Arg-Trp. Melanotan peptides bind to and activate melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function. MT-2 MCRs: MC1R, MC3R, MC4R & MC5R.
MT II結合並激活黑素皮質素受體(MCRs),MCRs影響色素沉澱,炎症,能量平衡,食慾和性功能。

Melanotan 2 is a smaller and more potent than M-I (which targets MC1R) targeting more receptors. Melanotan 2 has a protective ring-like amino acid structure as compared to a linear peptide such as Melanotan One or Afamelanotide.

Melanotan 2 is a small efficient molecule as compared to the linear original Melanotan I design after natural melanocyte stimulating hormone peptide. Melanotan is approximately 1,000 times more potent than natural a-MSH. Melanotan half life of minutes, Melanotan 2 half life ~1 hour.

Folks who never tan, always burn in the sun, can achieve a natural tan when using Melanotan II. For people with sun allergies/mutated receptors, synthetic melanotropin peptide supplements offer life changing opportunity. A natural tan developed over time is the best defense against cancer, to which the fair skin can now acheive. Melanotan was designed to reduce cancer rates and potentially become effective as a sunless tanning agent.
從未日曬或常曬傷的人可藉由使用MT II達到自然日曬的古銅膚色。

Fitzpatrick skin type: Skin type I and II, the lower of the skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale are the best candidates for MT II.

菲氏量表中越低等級的皮膚型態越適合使用MT II:皮膚型態 I及皮膚型態 II。

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use Melanotan for accelerated tanning, libido increase and appetite suppression. Melanotan 2 was dubbed the Barbie drug and has been highlighted in wired magazine. Synthetic melanocortin therapy helps attain a tan with the least amount of exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation. Melanotan II continues to be the most effective tanning peptide sold online.
運動員和健身愛好者使用MT II加速曬黑,性慾增加,並抑制食慾

Reconstituted with bacteriostatic water, Melanotan 2 research peptide remains potent and preserved. Reconstituting Melanotan 2 peptide is a necessity and will require proper due diligence for results. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed Melanotan 2, pills, oral melanotan2 are not legitimate. Enzymes will render the peptide inactive if ingested. Purchase only pure Melanotan II custom synthesis.

Melanotan Shipping: 
Melanotan peptides are durable and stable. Highlighted in study, the reconstituted MT-2 was shown to be stable at 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit) for at least 28 days. Shipping in the summer not a problem for tanning melanocortins. When receiving MT-2 it is recommended to store in the refrigerator. Save money and do not pay for cold melanotan 2 shipments. Further, do not store Melanotan 2 in freeze.
MT II的運送:MT II相當穩定。研究顯示,重組後的MT II可在攝氏37度下穩定保存至少28天。所以在夏天中運送MT II並非難事。建議將MT II存放在冰箱中,但不要存放在冷凍庫。

Mixing Melanotan 2: 
Add BW to the vial when you are ready to begin MT-2 research. V

Starting dose: (開始劑量)

Loading dose:(載入劑量)

Maintenance dose:(維持劑量) 

UV Radiation: Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner. UV (from sun or a tanning bed) light is necessary to develop a tan. Without it, almost nothing happens. In other words, NO UV = NO TAN. Well, user will pigment depending on skin type.... If you have loaded for a full month and then start UV exposure, you (and your friends) will be astounded by how fast you tan and how dark you get. Moreover, it is advisable to keep areas of your skin that ordinarily get exposure covered up with a towel and/or zinc oxide (nose/lips/face) and let less exposed areas develop pigmentation first. Areas of skin that are typically sun-exposed in your day to day life will respond more readily to the effects of the melanotan peptides.

Melanotan Dosing chart: Knowing your skin type is one detail which will help create a public user log. There are 10s of thousands of melanotan users worldwide who share the experience. Raise awareness and help others who want to hear success stories, complications and failures. 

Melanotan 2 Weight Loss: Melanotan II peptide usage results in adipocyte lipolysis. Dose low-moderate between meals to increase fatty acid oxidation, reduce food intake, and increase energy.

Side-effects of Melanotan II
Possible short-term side effects include: nausea, appetite loss, facial flushing and increased libido. Melanotan side effects may be noticeable during the first few days of treatment but should taper off as the body desensitizes.

MT II 的副作用:
短期副作用包括:噁心、食慾不振、顏面潮紅和提高性慾。MT II的副作用可能會顯著。

Do you have to inject Melanotan Peptides?
Yes. The best, most efficient method of administering Melanotan peptides are subcutaneous (subq) injection. Nasal sprays are inconsistent and inefficient at best. No detectable levels were observed following oral melanotan dosing.

Am I a candidate for Melanotan?
Melanotan is best suited for the folks with skin types I & II. Prior sun damage, scars, tattoos, freckles, moles, hair color, etc are deciding factors prospective MT-2 users consider.

How should I dose Melanotan II?
Melanotan II dosage it is recommended to start out small and build up.

Melanotan Instruction: 
There is no magic pill or formula. Instructions do not exist for research peptides. Few dermatologists are familiar with Melanotan. The skin is a large, unpredictable organ. Feel comfortable and confident with MT-II before use. Check out as many before and after photos and user logs as you can. A skin type I individual may have to commit months of dedication before dialing in their desired results, be patient and ask questions.

How much Melanotan peptide should I purchase?
我需要多少的MT II?
Skin type I: 30-50mg (膚型I:30~50mg)
Skin type II: 20-30mg 
Skin type III: 10mg 
Should last entire summer or season

How soon will I see Melanotan results?
Change in tone after 2-3 weeks should be anticipated.
 If you have freckles, expect them to get darker before your actual skin color changes. Brace yourself, within days Melanotan will.

How long will my tan last?
A tan developed using Melanotan 2 lasts much longer than an ordinary tan. A well-tanned person returning from a beach holiday will lose most of the tan in a month if they stop getting sun. But if they had been using Melanotan 2 and continued on maintenance after returning, they would still have most of their tan 3 months later.


2012年6月5日 星期二


蛋白同化製劑(Anabolic agents)又稱同化激素,俗稱合成類固醇,是合成代謝類藥物,具有促進蛋白質合成和減少氨基酸分解的特徵,可促進肌肉增生,提高動作力度和增強男性的性特徵。這類藥物在醫療實踐活動中常用於慢性消耗性疾病及大手術、腫瘤化療、嚴重感染等對機體嚴重損傷後的複原治療。但如果出於非醫療目的而使用(濫用)此類藥物則會導致生理、心理的不良後果。在生理方面,濫用蛋白同化製劑會引起人體內分泌系統紊亂、肝臟功能損傷、心血管系統疾患甚至引起惡性腫瘤和免疫功能障礙,等等。在心理方面,濫用這類藥物會引起抑鬱情緒、衝動、攻擊性行為……等等